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Legal History
Zhang Shuo
发表时间:2017-11-10 阅读次数:3742次

Associate Professor

Zhang Shuo(1978-),male, LL. D, Associate Professor. He has been a teacher in WUHAN University, his Alma Mater, after he completed post-doctoral study in Xia Men university in 2009. His major works include Chinese Legal History, History of Property Laws and Legal Culture. As a co-author of The Newly Edited Legal History of China, he has also written some academic papers to express his views, such as A Rational Thought about Judicial Administration, The Culture Interpretation on Constitution Knowledge in the 19th Century in China, Study on Cultural Reestablishment between Chinese Traditional Philosophy and Constitution Knowledge, the Narrative History of Law in < Treatise on Penal Law in Past Dynasties >, Analyze on Political Legitimacy from the Perspective of Jurisprudence, the Original Meaning of Constitution in the Context of Ancient Greece, Discourse and Culture about the Legitimacy Problem of Power.