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Litigation Law
Lin Bailing
发表时间:2017-11-10 阅读次数:3742次


Basic Information
Female, Han nationality, born in 1968, Liuyang, Hunan province. She was deputy chief of Wuhan University Teaching Affairs Office from 1990.07 to 1999.05, as a lecturer in Wuhan University Law School.

Education Background
Bachelor of Law, 1986.09-1990.07, Central South University of Political Science and Law;
Master of Law, 1998.09-2001.07, Wuhan University Law School.

Representative Papers
On the Perfection of Legal System of Property Management. Lawyer World. 2001(6);

Representative Publication
Introduction to Commercial Law. Dongbei University of Finance and Economics Press. 2007. (Chapter 6)

Excellent Cadre of the Communist Youth League (1995)