ZHAI Han, lecturer at the Wuhan University School of Law and assistant research fellow at the Wuhan University. She received her PhD from Tilburg University, December 2017 (sponsored by the Chinese Scholarship Council), LL. M from the Chinese University of Political Science and Law and LL. B. from Inner Mongolia University. The edited version of her PhD thesis, Constitutional Identity of Contemporary China: the Unitary System and Its Internal Logic, will be published by BRILL in late 2019. Her current research includes the following topics:
· Comparative constitutional law: socialist constitutional legacies, regional constitutional orders in the post-WWII era, the internal vulnerability and openness of the reforming constitutions
· Political constitutionalism: constitutional politics, party law, secession and regional independence
· Constitutional history of the reform era: the epistemological understandings of the CCP on the concepts of constitutional law and legalism, the constitutional implications of the developing fiscal system in contemporary China
· Research methodologies in public law in contemporary China and professional ethics: the developing constitutional law scholarship during the Reform, methodological approaches in researching constitutional issues embedded in political reality
Dr ZHAI Han owns membership of the International Association of Constitutional Law (IACL), The International Society of Constitutional Law (ICON·S), ConstitutionNet and European Chinese Law Studies Association (ECLS). For Dr Zhai’s latest publications, research projects, visiting experiences and other academic updates, please check her LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/han-zhai-b6983770 or contact hzhai.law@whu.edu.cn.