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Litigation Law
Liu XueZai
发表时间:2017-11-10 阅读次数:3742次


       Basic information

Professor Xue-zai Liu, born in 1971, is a male from Guangshan County, Henan province. He once worked in the law school of South-Central University for Nationalities and the Jianghan District court in Wuhan. He was appointed as a university lecturer in 2001, an associate professor in 2004, a professor in 2009. Now he is a professor and tutor of Doctoral Students in Wuhan University. He is also an arbitrator of Wuhan arbitration committee.

Education Background

B.A in law, Zhengzhou University, June 1994

M.A in Law, Wuhan University, June 1999

Ph,D in Law, Renmin University of China, June 2004

Research Fields

Civil Procedure Law, Evidence Law, Compulsory Enforcement Act, Judicial System

Academic Posts

Director of Chinese Civil Procedure Law Research Society

Deputy Chairman of the Procedure Law Branch of Hubei Province Law Society

Deputy Chairman of the Hubei Province People's Mediators Society

Major Academic Theses

He has published more than 70 theses on many leading journals and newspapers, including: Case Journal of Law, China Legal Science, Law Review, The Jurist, Global Law Review, Journal of Henan University of Economics and Law, Journal of National Prosecutors College, People's Court Daily and so on.

Major Works

1. Research on Civil Public Interest Litigation System, China University of Political Science and Law Press, 2015.

2. Research on Principle of Adversary Hearing in Civil Procedure Law, Wuhan University Press, 2007.

3. The Experts’ revision Suggestions and Litigation Argument in Civil Procedure Law, Law Press, 2008.

4. Civil Procedure Law, Wuhan University Press, 2015.

5. Civil Procedure Law, China Renmin University Press, 2018.