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International Economic Law
Zhang Qinglin
发表时间:2017-11-10 阅读次数:3742次


Basic Information
Male, born in 1963. He has taught at Wuhan University Law School when graduated since 1992. In 2001, he got his doctor degree. Now as a postgraduate supervisor and doctoral supervisor at the Law School and the Wuhan University Institute of International Law. As a visiting scholar at Bologna University Law School and Camille University Law School, Max Planck Foreign Law and Private International Law Institute, Law School of University of Manchester, Commercial Law Research Center of Queen Marry Law School of London University.

Education Background
Bachelor of Science, in 1986, Central China Normal University;
Master of Law, in 1992, Wuhan University Law School;
Doctor of Law, in 2001, Wuhan University Law School.

Research Areas
International Economic Law, International Investment Law, International Monetary and Financial Law

Concurrent Academic
Executive director of China International Economic Law Society, director of International Economic Law Research Institute of China Law Society, executive director of European Law Research Institute of China Law Society, executive director of International Law Research Institute of Hubei Law Society, arbitrator of Wuhan Arbitration Commission

Representative Papers
1. On the Influences of Financial Globalization on Money Sovereignty of State. China Legal Science. 2002(2).
2. On the International Legal Nature of Currency Rate. China Legal Science. 2004(6).
3. The Impact of Financial Globalization on Money Sovereignty of State. China Legal Science. 2003.
4. Several Legal Issues on the Contract Relationship Caused by Currency Change. Civil and Commercial Law Review (VOL.31).
5. On the Monetary Attribute of Euro. Law Review. 2003(4).
6. On the Money Sovereignty of State. Luojia Legal Forum (VOL.3).
7. On the Characteristics of Property Rights of Monetary. Law Review. 2004(5).
8. Study on Legal Nature of Euro. Journal of International Economic Law (VOL.8).
9. On the Legal Concept and Legal Nature of Monetary. Economic Law Review (VOL.8).
10. An Analysis on International Legal Nature of Regional Monetary Union. Contemporary Law Review. 2001(3).
11. On the National Treatment in Contemporary International Investment Law. Luojia Law Review. 2000 (VOL.1).
12. An Analysis on National Treatment of Foreign Investment. Law Review. 1998(1).
13. An Analysis on Extraterritoriality of Exchange Control Act under Private International Law Principles. Politics and Law Forum.1998.
14. Electronic Money: Legal Nature. Wuhan University Journal (social sciences). 2001.
15. Extraterritoriality of Exchange Control Act. Chinese Yearbook of Private International Law and Comparative Law. 1998 (VOL.1).
16. An Analysis on Supranational Nature of European Monetary Union. Wuhan University International Law Review. 2006 (VOL.6).
17. Study on International Monetary Fund Agreement Article 8 Section 2[b]. Chinese Yearbook of International Law. 2006.
18. On the Rights and Obligations of Exchange Adjustment of State. Journal of International Economic Law. 2006 (VOL.13).
19. An Analysis on the Independence of International Monetary Act. Journal of International Economic Law. 2008 (VOL.15).
20. On the Nature of Customary International Law of Fair and Equitable Treatment. Journal of International Economic Law. 2010 (VOL.16).